“Study” Abroad

I have been wanting to blog, but simply did not found the time this week. The reason is the ever imposing giant known by many as STUDYING!!! Rawr….
So here it is, proof that studying abroad isn’t all about fun and adventure – there is actually studying involved. Surprise! We actually, believe it or not, do a lot of hard work. Currently, I am am in the midst of writing a couple of papers, reading a bunch of books, and seeing a few plays.

This weekend I am going to Wales – which I will tell you all about when I get back! Then, I am hitting the books hard next week.

Wish me luck!

Weekend in Edinburgh

Once upon a time, I discovered that our local public library had travel dvd’s. I think I was 14. About that time I also unearthed the Gaelic section – which I resolved many times to teach myself, but never did get around to it. These two forces have since created an incredible wish to go to Scotland – and this weekend that wish came true. Read on!

The Dining Conundrum…

Just a short note on eating out in London: Whether it has been in cafes, pubs, or restaurants we always find ourselves wandering into said establishment and standing awkwardly in the entry way. It has yet to become clear whether you order at the counter, seat yourself, wait to be seated, pay when you order, wait for the check, ask for the check…and at some pubs they don’t serve food after about 5:00pm? And sometimes it costs more to dine in… but not always. Basically, dining is a little bit of a mystery. Read on!

Seven Sisters

Beautiful. Amazing. Incredible. Awe-inspiring. Breathtaking.

These are just a few of the words with which I can attempt to describe my journey to the Seven Sisters Country Park today.

The Seven Sisters are a series of white chalk cliffs that rise above the southern coast of England in Sussex. Just an hour and a half train and a 15 minutes bus ride lie between Central London and these natural beauties. Read on!