The Dining Conundrum…

Just a short note on eating out in London: Whether it has been in cafes, pubs, or restaurants we always find ourselves wandering into said establishment and standing awkwardly in the entry way. It has yet to become clear whether you order at the counter, seat yourself, wait to be seated, pay when you order, wait for the check, ask for the check…and at some pubs they don’t serve food after about 5:00pm? And sometimes it costs more to dine in… but not always. Basically, dining is a little bit of a mystery.

I was reminded of this when I went to a cafe today. I ordered my coffee and cake, and then the man behind the counter said something about waiting outside for my cappuccino. But I wasn’t sure when to pay or how to get my cake, so I awkwardly stood and waited for him to make my drink. Then I stood holding my cappuccino, waiting for my cake. Finally, I paid and went outside. I am still not sure what was expected of me. He was probably as confused as I was. I suppose sometimes you just have to feel awkward and ask!

In the end, I still got my coffee fix and my orange chocolate cake – which is really what its all about.

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