Preseli Part 1

I just had one of the most amazing experiences in my life. And that is no exaggeration. To think that I almost didn’t go to Preseli Ventures – an eco lodge and adventure trip center – because of the money. I assure you that the beauty I saw and the nature that I experienced literally first hand (I have the barnacle scratches to prove it) were 100%, absolutely priceless…probably even life changing. Not to mention that the facilities and food at Preseli were amazing. The vegetarian lasagna alone could change your life forever.

Why is this Part 1, you ask? Because, savy little tourist that I am, I have a waterproof camera full of pictures from kayaking and coasteering that won’t be developed until tomorrow at the earliest. What you get today are a few things about the eco lodge and the seven mile hike we did just this morning.

To start out, here is a picture that I snapped out the window of the lodge – not the best vantage point, but you get a little bit of an idea of the set up.

Eco Lodge

I was on the second floor of the building where the bunk rooms and bath rooms were. Ours had nine bunks, but most seemed to have three or four. I must say though, that the three level, plus loft, bunks in our room were really cool! The bathrooms on the first flour were great, all off of a shared hall, but each with its own door, containing a shower and a toilet. So, while the rooms didn’t have bathrooms, you could have your own private bathroom when you needed it – great after a long day in the salty sea. Very admirably (and hence the name “eco lodge”), Preseli has many features in place to conserve water and energy – including toilets with duel flush capacity, and water saving showers. I’m sure they could explain all of the technology much better than I can, but I am very happy to know that they are socially and environmentally aware and friendly.

What you actually see in the picture is the dining/bar area past the courtyard between the two buildings. Visitors will also find a large garage type structure where they keep equipment (boats, wet suits, etc.), a fire pit in the back, and surrounding pastures – in one of which you can find a very friendly, very cute white horse. The staff is exceedingly hospitable, friendly, and knowledgeable!

We arrived on Friday, settled into our rooms, helped ourselves to the complementary tea, and were served up heaping portions of lasagna followed by apple pie with ice cream. A little weary from the train,, full of delicious food, and feeling in need of a good night’s rest before our adventures started, I headed to bed in my cozy middle bunk.

Now bear with me while I skip Saturday – radical, I know! – and move on to Sunday. Trust me, the pictures should be worth the wait.

Sunday started with breakfast – sunny-side-up eggs (not sure what they call them here), bacon (ham), beans, and toast. There was also plenty of fruit, juice, and cereal to choose from. Then, I laced up my new (yay!) hiking boots and we rode off to the starting point of our seven mile hike. Pretty much all I can say is that if you want to be overwhelmed by some of God’s most beautiful creation, take a stroll along the coast in Pembrokeshire. My simple words can merely brush the surface. Pictures will do better, but know that if you had been there breathing the salty air, feeling the cool breeze, and treading the soft dirt and green grass beneath your feet, it would be even more majestic and beautiful…


Tonight I will finish my reading, tomorrow I will go to class, and later this week I will write some papers. I can’t help but feel that nature is slowly spoiling me for the city and the hustle and bustle of every day life. Just look at those rocks. See how the water shimmers in the sun, how a baby seal is satisfied just splashing about. I truly believe I left a part of me on the coast of Wales, and I sincerely hope that I will one day be able to go back and find it again. And to think that I almost didn’t go.

For more of the ADVENTURE side of my trip to Wales, look out for my kayaking/coasteering update coming soon! And please visit their website if you want to know anything else: I can’t recommend them enough!

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