Christmas Time is Here!

Confession: For the last month I have secretly been humming Christmas carols to myself. With the early arrival of lights and and the changing of window displays at the beginning of November, it was hard for me to know whether the Christmas season in London had actually started or not. Was it all a commercial scam to get eager shoppers to start buying their Christmas gifts? Or was it, indeed, a free pass to be filled with Christmas cheer? Read on!

Eight Reasons to Love Paris

Paris – the city of love, most beautiful city in the world, and city of lights. Of course, depending on who you ask, it is also the city of dirt, bad smells, and rudeness. I must say that I tend more towards the former, but no matter who you are and what you think Paris is, it has a way of surprising you. I have heard from some who expected beauty, love and lights, but found graffiti, trash, and unpleasant smells. Others say that the Parisians are cold and rude, but I found that with an unassuming “bonjour, parlez vou anglais?” the response was universally polite, and dare I even say warm and friendly? Read on!

For our tomorrow, they gave their today

When you go home, tell them of us and say: ‘For your tomorrow we gave our today’

Ninety-three years ago the Armistice was signed at 11:00, bringing peace after World War I. Today, November 11, 2011 at 11:00, Londoners gathered at Trafalgar Square to observe two minutes of silence, remembering all those who have served and fallen for their country. Read on!

Gunpowder, treason and plot

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot…

Between the mounds of reading and papers that have to somehow get accomplished in the next week, some of my fellow students and I shuffled out a little space of time to celebrate a thoroughly British event last night – Guy Fawkes Day. Read on!