Eight Reasons to Love Paris

Paris – the city of love, most beautiful city in the world, and city of lights. Of course, depending on who you ask, it is also the city of dirt, bad smells, and rudeness. I must say that I tend more towards the former, but no matter who you are and what you think Paris is, it has a way of surprising you. I have heard from some who expected beauty, love and lights, but found graffiti, trash, and unpleasant smells. Others say that the Parisians are cold and rude, but I found that with an unassuming “bonjour, parlez vou anglais?” the response was universally polite, and dare I even say warm and friendly?

Parisian Macaroon!

I remember walking into a bakery and asking this question. The woman at the counter looked shy and answered, “A little…” “Can you tell me the difference between these macaroons?” Her face lit up – she had understood my question easily. As she answered (“chocolate, pistachio, praline”) she was empowered, she had the opportunity to impress, without any pressure on my part. And I got my macaroon.

At the same time, if you travel to Paris expecting crisp, clean, beauty and love, you are unlikely to find it in that form. But is love ever really crisp and clean? (cheesy, I know, but Paris is the land of fromageries)

Paris is Paris – resistant to categories and stereotypes in all the glory of its simply being itself. Many people can say many things, but for this traveler, it was an experience far more vibrant and far richer than I had imagined. I truly loved the city of love.

In picture form (*click on the pictures to enlarge/make clearer), here are the reasons why I love Paris…

1) Architecture

A pretty little neighborhood


With views like this, it is no wonder that Parisians are known for walking everywhere.

2) Churches

Notre Dame

If we’re going to talk about Churches in Paris, it seems obvious to start with Notre Dame Cathedral, the authority on Gothic churches. The stones, freshly cleaned, glow in the sunlight. There is a lot of hype around Notre Dame, and I think it deserves it.

The inside is just as beautiful as the outside.

The rather dark interior is lit by the soft lights of candles.

Another Church worthy of note is the beautiful Basilique du Sacre-Coeur. Although no pictures are allowed inside, I assure you that that is the most impressive part. However, the bohemian art scene around the church (harkening back to the time when famous artists like Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso, and Dali worked in the neighborhood of Montmartre) is worth taking in as well.


Finally we come to another true gem of Parisian churches. Across from Notre Dame, Sainte-Chapelle goes often unnoticed by tourists. But for those who do stop by, they will find that the stunning chapel – and former home of the king’s relics – is well worth a visit. The stain glass windows are nothing short of amazing. With the approach of WWII, they were actually dismantled, numbered, and buried in order to be kept safe. In my opinion, it is one of the most beautiful places in Paris (and free with a museum pass).

The upper chapel of Sainte-Chapelle

The rose window.

3) Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel at night.

Since I first came to Paris about fifteen or sixteen years ago as a child, I have dreamt of going up on the Eiffel Tower. And I finally did! We didn’t go to the top, but rather to the second floor, where, according to Rick Steves, you get the best views.

A view of the Seine from the Eiffel Tower.

4) Versailles

Versailles Backyard

From Louis XIV to Revolutions to Napoleon to WWI’s Treat of Versailles, this palace has been at the center of French history. Just about an hour out of Paris, it is perfect for a day trip (and even a day isn’t enough time to see everything!).

Hall of Mirrors

What some may not know is that Marie Antoinette had a fake village built on her “little” corner of the estate where she could escape with her friends and play peasant. A little weird and probably very wasteful (Revolution!)? Perhaps. So charming that I want one, too? Definitely.

Peasant Village

A winding staircase (at least it used to be). Can you imagine Marie playing on it in her peasant dress?

5) Seine

Sunset over the Seine, behind Notre Dame.

Every major city needs a river, and in Paris it is the Seine. Yet again – with beautiful views and pretty bridges – a good excuse to walk. You may even find a bridge like this one, where couples leave locks symbolizing their lasting love for one another.

How sweet!

6) Champs Elysees

Window Display

For some fancy shopping, or if you just want to look in the window displays, this is the place to go. Especially at Christmas time, this home to brands like Cartier and Louis Vuitton, doesn’t fail to impress  with its sparkle and very high shopping traffic. History also looms over this retail center, as the Arc de Triomphe rises impressively at the far end of the street. The river marks the other, sparkling with lights in the evening.

City of Lights

7) Louvre

Glass Pyramid

Museum goers will delight in not only the collections, but also the architecture and history of the former royal palace, Le Louvre. After snagging a peak at the Mona Lisa, I found it best to avoid the crowds and head to the 15th -17th century Dutch, French, and German painting collections (in the opposite wing from the Mona Lisa). This made for a peaceful morning at the otherwise crowded Louvre.

8 ) Food

Fresh Food

Now lets get down to business. My absolute FAVORITE part of Paris is the food. There are fresh food markets on almost every street corner selling everything from fruits and vegetables to pate and seafood. Paris is a foodie’s dream destination. Whether you want chocolate, cheese, wine, shellfish, or tea, you can find it all here and at its best.

A special treat.

For a friend’s birthday, a few of us treated ourselves to a very special, classically french dinner. Starting with escargot in melted butter and herbs, I moved on to veal (sorry!) in a pungent cheese sauce with a side of spinach and cream. Add a glass of house white wine, and I’m almost certain that was the best meal I have ever had in my life. The restaurant (L’epicerie) itself was  a wonderful slice of Parisian life. Down a narrow market street, I think we were the only non-French there.

Wine Shop

My final goal of our trip to Paris was to leave with cheese and wine. Fromagerie, however, are close on Sundays. Cultural lesson learned. I had to make do with just getting wine. Oh darn! Some of the wine shops are very impressive, a destination in themselves.

And that is why I love Paris. There is beauty and culture around every corner. Paris will never cease to surprise and delight the world, no matter what we thought we knew about her before.

5 thoughts on “Eight Reasons to Love Paris

  1. Paris is Paris. Every one of us can find “such a Paris” he / she saw and experienced. I have been there about 30 times buying French books to my home library.

    Your photo selection gave very good cross-selection from Paris and Your photos are great waking in person interest to this marvelous town.

    Happy Wednesday!

    • 30 times! Wow! I’m very glad you enjoyed my post, especially since you have been there so many times. Paris is really a wonderful city with something for everyone. I only wish I could go more often! Thanks for reading.

  2. Wow Kelly, what an excellent trip! Next time, you will get to sightsee around the back streets of Paris too… never a dull moment in Paris! I have only been there 4 times myself… loved it every time!

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