Christmas Commercialism at Its Best

We all know that Christmas has become an excuse for rampant commercialism across the world. Decorations appear in stores as early as September, millions of dollars are spent on expensive gifts, and commercials tell us over and over again that our Christmas season won’t be complete if we don’t buy this or that.

And yet, there are some commercial establishments that we can nevertheless enjoy, even in this commercial season of all commercial seasons. There are some that delight us with their wares, the colors and smells. They become a destination in themselves – something we can appreciate even if we don’t buy that all important gift or decoration. We can go to these places and enjoy the sights and smells of the season, felling somehow fulfilled when we leave, even if we haven’t bought anything at all. And if we have bought something, we fell as if it is really something special – not just some thing that we unwillingly but dutifully bought.

I found two of these places today in Berlin. Read on!

Christmas Filzen

Our stay in Berlin has started with monuments, cafes, and Christmas Markets – Weihnachtsmärkte. One craft that I have often seen in Germany but hardly in America is Felting – Filzen. At the Christmas markets, you can find everything from felt ornaments to bags, hats, and skirts. We headed home early from our day’s adventures; it was raining and cold – the perfect opportunity to try some felting on our own. We made some basic designs by putting dyed wool into cookie cutters and stabbing it with a felting needle. As the needle is stuck in and pulled back out, the wool tangles around itself and becomes firm. What a lovely opportunity to try out a new craft, and to create some home-made ornaments and decorations.

The table spread with wool, cookie cutters, and foam blocks.

Read on!

The End of a Chapter

I have not written in some time, my excuse being the 5 papers and 4 tests I had to turn in over the past week. Never have I worked so hard at my studies. This is, after all, study abroad – there was certainly plenty of studying going on last week. And I have learned a lot about England and Literature…and myself. I think it will take me some time to really understand everything that I have done and seen in these 3 1/2 very short months. Read on!

Friday Night Football

The semester is winding down fast here in London, but what would 3 months in England be without a football (yes, that’s soccer) match? Despite the five papers that I somehow have to write over the next week, a few of us ventured out into the chilly, wet night to watch Crystal Palace face Derby County.

South London Tradition

Just last week I was having Sunday lunch with some British acquaintances, when I asked them which was the biggest sport in England: Football, Rugby, or Cricket? Football was the unanimous answer. Read on!