The End of a Chapter

I have not written in some time, my excuse being the 5 papers and 4 tests I had to turn in over the past week. Never have I worked so hard at my studies. This is, after all, study abroad – there was certainly plenty of studying going on last week. And I have learned a lot about England and Literature…and myself. I think it will take me some time to really understand everything that I have done and seen in these 3 1/2 very short months.

Just yesterday, I was walking down the street and thinking about how it no longer felt strange to be here. Of course I live in London. Of course the West End theatres are just down the road. Of course everyone speaks in funny accents. Of course I saw Michael Sheen play Hamlet last weekend. Didn’t you? It is strange that it is no longer strange. It is that sense that you can just keep on doing what you are doing, living where you are living. I love London. I will miss it more than I can say. It seems rather disconcerting that I can be told to leave, that I can’t just stay here. As much as I have become a part of this city, our necessary departure is a reminder that it is not my home forever, at least not at this time around.

Right now, I am sitting in my flat. It is 2:44 am. My bags are packed…I’m ready to go (I couldn’t resist!). Can it really, truly be over? We had a farewell Christmas lunch today. That seems to say that it is over…

A Christmas popper at the farewell banquet.

All of my papers are turned in. I went to see my favorite play – Juno and the Paycock – one last time. I cleared out the cabinets. My friends are all leaving in taxis in just a few hours. It seems like we are all done, that our adventure is over.

BUT WAIT! I have squeezed in one last journey! London may be mostly over, but, before I go home, I am spending Christmas in Germany. Yay! Am I avoiding the inevitable departure from London? Perhaps. Do I regret the chance to go to one more country and spend one more day in this City of Cities? No.

Be on the lookout for posts from Berlin – I’m not ready to sign off on this chapter yet!

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