Staying Healthy and The Upside to the Downside

Since my last five posts have been about food, I feel it would be unjust for me to skip over a real, unfortunate obstacle faced by many travelers – food born illness. Although this does not pose a significant problem when traveling in North America and most of Europe, it can certainly ruin a vacation, and even cause serious discomfort and health problems, when exploring other parts of the world.

But have no fear! Read on!

Two Takes on Tea

Now on to two more aspects of liquid refreshment – with pictures!

While in China we had many opportunities to drink tea (or cha), but two experiences stand out. I am a big tea lover (I write as I stare longingly into the bottom of a giant mug of tea I just emptied), so I was particularly thrilled by both of these experiences. Read on!

A Brief Explanation of Beverages (or the lack thereof) in China

Now that I have told you a good bit about what we ate in China, you are probably wondering, “What on earth did they wash it all down with?” Well, let me tell you.

Although I am far from an expert on Chinese beverages, I do have some observations to share. First of all is the conundrum of what people drink while eating dinner. I am an American, which means I am used to large beverages and free refills at almost any restaurant. Even the fanciest little bistros in the U.S. offer free water, and someone is usually roaming to fill your glass at all times. Let it also be known that I am in the habit of drinking a lot of water with dinner – food makes me thirsty!

It is my experience in China, however, that beverages are not so copiously consumed at meal times. Read on!

More food because I just can’t help myself.

I have heard that there are people who don’t like looking at other people’s food pictures. I am not one of those people. I love food, and I love pictures of food. Imagine, then, how difficult it was to select only a few pictures for my last two posts! So, to indulge my own desire for others to look at my food pictures, I am posting a few more here. Should you be one of those people who doesn’t like looking at other people’s food pictures, just hang in there for the next post. If you do, like me, love feasting your eyes and your imagination on pictures of food – bon appetit!


One of the best dishes from our entire trip – meat (perhaps beef?) on top of “salted vegetables.” Usually eaten during Spring Festival (New Year), it is extremely delicious.

More Pictures!