More food because I just can’t help myself.

I have heard that there are people who don’t like looking at other people’s food pictures. I am not one of those people. I love food, and I love pictures of food. Imagine, then, how difficult it was to select only a few pictures for my last two posts! So, to indulge my own desire for others to look at my food pictures, I am posting a few more here. Should you be one of those people who doesn’t like looking at other people’s food pictures, just hang in there for the next post. If you do, like me, love feasting your eyes and your imagination on pictures of food – bon appetit!


One of the best dishes from our entire trip – meat (perhaps beef?) on top of “salted vegetables.” Usually eaten during Spring Festival (New Year), it is extremely delicious.


Fried bread soaked in soy milk – who wouldn’t love that?


Lotus root – mild, crunchy, and delicious.


I think this is a Chinese take on a Japanese treat called Yuki Ichigo – imagine cake, cream, and fruit wrapped in a very stretchy blanket of rice starch. I had no idea what I was buying, but I was so curious that I had to get one. Let’s just say it went beyond my wildest culinary dreams.


I had seen many Chinese eating these on their way to work in the morning – it is like a steamed roll filled with meat, fruit, or vegetables. Most were sold on the street, making me a little wary, but finally I found one in what seemed to be a cleanlier establishment – much to my tastebuds’ delight.


Chinese take-out China edition – who wouldn’t love a big bowl of herby noodles, fresh, locally made soy milk, and some yuki ichigo to finish it all off?


Some selections from the local dairy store. For a people who haven’t historically consumed milk products they sure have some great yogurt and fresh milk now!


Cake – pretty self explanatory, right? But have you ever seen cherry tomatoes and parsley on your birthday cake?


Our last dinner – tofu with fish, green beans, squash (maybe zucchini), boiled vegetable (we could never figure out the English name for this one, but it was one of my favorite dishes), and a “hot pot bowl” with tofu, duck blood, assorted vegetables and other meats.

Note: If you are well versed in Chinese cuisine, please feel free to add to or correct anything I have posted here or in my previous posts – there is so much to learn about foods eaten in other countries and a month isn’t nearly enough time to discover it all!

2 thoughts on “More food because I just can’t help myself.

    • As someone who actually isn’t a huge fan of fried foods, I’ll admit – it was pretty magical. I’m pretty sure that is what Chinese comfort food looks like.

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