The Adventure Begins

I am currently sitting in the hotel lobby of San Francisco’s Union Square Marriot. I have just finished my Peace Corps Staging Orientation, and tomorrow morning I will head out on my long (very long) journey to Indonesia. It is exciting and nerve racking.

People often talk about how travel prepares us to better handle the world around us – it teaches us to be flexible as we adapt to the challenges of unfamiliar surroundings and uncontrollable circumstances. But it recently occurred to me that it also teaches us how to handle ourselves.

Almost six years ago I left my family for the first time to travel to Germany where I would live with a host family for a year. I remember that in those first few moments after saying goodbye, and in the first few days and weeks of separation and newness, I was overwhelmed by so many emotions and so much anxiety. It was a tough time and a very difficult transition. But through that experience, and those I have had since then, I have learned so much about myself. I have learned when to trust my emotions and when not to rely too much on my ever-changing feelings. I have learned to go to bed when I am tired, and that things really will look better in the morning. I have learned that if I push myself and be patient through the hard times, through the uncomfortable moments, my patience will usually be rewarded with cross-cultural and inter-personal experiences that are utterly beyond price. I have learned to give myself the gentleness and space that I need.

Travel teaches us about the world and it teaches us about ourselves. My hope for my trip to Indonesia and all my experiences there is that it will be an education in individuals, community, culture, nation, world, and myself.

I don’t know what my internet situation will be for the next few weeks, but I will keep you as updated as I can! Please send good vibes, wishes, and prayers my way – I can’t wait to tell you all about my adventures, and I am so glad that you are coming along for the journey! See you soon!

3 thoughts on “The Adventure Begins

  1. Sending you prayers to find friendly helpful people. Sending you good wishes to have a safe and healthy journey. Sending you good vibes to have fun and opportunity to share your joy. Sending you thanks for sharing with us. Sending you love.

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