Saya tinggal di Indonesia!

I have arrived safely and soundly in Indonesia, and have spent the past few days floating along atop a tidal wave of information – I’ve made the (first) plunge! After clearing customs, I was bussed along with the other trainees to our hotel in Surabaya. Since arriving here our days have been filled with language classes and information sessions where we are learning everything we will need to know to survive our first few weeks in Indonesia. I have learned that Indonesians are extremely kind and hospitable, mosquitos are my worst enemy, and that (supposedly) it is possible to live without toilet paper. On Saturday we will go to our training communities where we will spend the next months adjusting to and exploring our new lives before our swearing in.

Because we have spent most of our time in the hotel, I haven’t seen a whole lot of Indonesia yet, but I’m sure moving in with my host family on Saturday will change that!

I’m not sure what my internet situation will be for the next few weeks, but I will be in touch as much as I can – I can’t wait to share my experiences with you! For now, Sampai Nanti – see you soon!

One thought on “Saya tinggal di Indonesia!

  1. I’m sure it’s possible to survive without toilet paper as it wasn’t invented for most of human history, but you’re braver than me attempting it! But then that’s evident from your whole adventure 🙂 I look forward to more updates, albeit sporadic (after all, if they don’t even have toilet paper, wifi might be asking a bit much…)

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