Three Things I Was Thankful for This Thanksgiving

While Americans slid pies into their refrigerators and prepared the stuffing for Thursday’s turkey, my students and I sleepily rolled towards Yogyakarta in the early hours of the morning.

It was my school’s annual 8th grade field trip, and this year it happened to be on Thanksgiving. I was worried that I might be feeling a bit blue, so far away from home, my family, and the delicious smells and tastes of the holiday, but – although I certainly love and missed them – I had a blast. Celebrating Thanksgiving like I never have before, I was reminded of three new and amazing things I have to be thankful for this year. Read on!

Weekend Getaway: Sarangan

Everyone needs to get away sometimes. I remember the thrill and adventure of camping trips with my family when I was a child. I remember the need to go to Apalachicola one weekend in college to eat oysters and see the ocean. I remember the freedom of driving and driving along the mountain roads after a long week at the summer camp I used to work for.

Most of the time I have spent away from my site in Indonesia has been with my American friends doing rather American things (think cheese and Starbucks).

But Indonesians like to get away, too, and this past weekend I got to join my counterpart and her family for a little weekend get-a-way, “Indonesian-style,” at Sarangan. Read on!

Left. Left. Left, Right, Left.

This time last year, I was reading up on everything I could about Indonesia and Peace Corps. My March departure date was quickly approaching, my suitcases were filling, and my head was swimming with pictures of exotic beaches, coconuts, and chocolate-avocado juice.

There was one thing, however, that never appeared in any of my pre-Peace Corps musings. One thing that I have learned to be so very Indonesian: Marching. Read on!

Currency Matters: Let’s Crunch Some Numbers

This post deals in vast generalizations, numbers, and economics – none of which I claim to be an expert on. Nevertheless, it is all based on what I believe to be facts. Read it, think about it, let me know what you think!

A couple of weekends ago I took another trip to Solo to do some Christmas shopping.

Looking for trinkets at Solo's Triwindu flea market.

Looking for trinkets at Solo’s Triwindu flea market.

Read on!