Welcome to the World

Before coming to Indonesia, I thought I was a pretty community oriented person. But, as with their fruit and dancing, the Javanese bring community to a whole new level.

Read on!

Can you repeat that? I think I misunderstood…

One of the joys of learning to use a new language while being immersed among the people who speak it, is discovering that everything you thought you knew was wrong.

When I met this pak, he talked to me a lot...in Javanese.

When I met this pak, he talked to me a lot…in Javanese.

Read on!

Indonesia, will you be my valentine?

Today is Valentine’s Day. In preparation for this celebration of love, I wrote a poem a few days ago confessing my love of Indonesia. It was something cute and silly, and pretty much sums up my view of Valentine’s Day in general: cute, silly, and harmless.  Poem ahead!

Lights, Camera, Action

Read to the end to watch my student’s videos! You’ll be glad you did.

Living in Indonesia and serving in the Peace Corps is teaching me that if I want to see something happen, I just have to do it.

Back in October, I wrote a post about there being no manual for life – no list of steps from A to Z of everything you should do in a day. Prior to that realization (and at times since), I spent too much time waiting to feel “prepared” or “experienced” enough to take on my bigger goals. I thought, “If only I could learn a little more or have a few more years under my belt, I can finally get to steps X, Y, and Z.”

The truth is, I don’t think many of us ever feel as prepared and experienced as we would like to. Sometimes all the preparation we need is to find within ourselves the drive to go out and do.

In October I had another brain wave: an international video exchange. Read on!