IGLOW Ngawi Needs You!

Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. That’s what little girls are made of. – Bethany Hamilton

When women have opportunities to share equally in leadership roles with men, as well as have equal access to family income and work opportunities, communities thrive economically and socially.

In light of recent and ongoing tragedies in Paris, Beirut, and Baghdad, it is easy to wonder how much of a difference we, as individuals, can make in the world. Our hearts are broken and our minds uncomprehending.

But every day when I go to school and am greeted by the fresh, eager faces of my students, I am reminded that there is good in the world. There are hopes, there are precious futures, and there is kindness.

This December, some of those bright faces and eager souls will have an opportunity to attend an IGLOW camp at my school.

IGLOW: Indonesian Girls Leading Our World is a camp organized throughout the world by Peace Corps Volunteers and their community partners. Sixty girls from ten local schools will join us for three days of workshops and camp activities. We hope to create a safe, open environment for the girls to explore their strengths, goals, and opportunities. They will also receive information about personal health, safety, and how to be good stewards of the environment. These skills and information are desperately needed in many Indonesian communities. What a privilege it will be for these girls to lead the way towards a physically, environmentally, and socially healthier future in their families, schools, and communities!

But we can’t do it alone. My school has made a generous contribution to our IGLOW fund, but we would like to raise an additional $800. Faithful readers and subscribers, this is a precious opportunity for you to step in and give directly to the community I have been writing about and sharing with you for the past 20 months. With your donation, you can make a tangible difference in the lives of these girls. For less than $20, we can send one girl to camp – all expenses paid.

There is much fear and doubt in the world, but I hope IGLOW will give these girls an opportunity to see the good in themselves, their communities, their futures, and in those who lend their support from abroad. Please thoughtfully consider giving to our IGLOW project. 100% of your donation goes directly to IGLOW: Ngawi, and every dollar goes a long way.

Click here to give!

You can be sure I will keep my blog updated with plenty of pictures and stories as our IGLOW plans unfold!

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