Yogyakarta: Take One

This past week, I spent a much needed weekend-away in the city of Yogyakarta (pronounced “Jogyakarta”). Located in Central Java, Yogyakarta is the cultural capital of the island. According to Lonely Planet, “If Jakarta is Java’s financial and industrial powerhouse, Yogyakarta is its soul.” Yogyakarta is home to unfathomable depths of Javanese culture, and on … Continue reading Yogyakarta: Take One

Three Things I Was Thankful for This Thanksgiving

While Americans slid pies into their refrigerators and prepared the stuffing for Thursday’s turkey, my students and I sleepily rolled towards Yogyakarta in the early hours of the morning. It was my school’s annual 8th grade field trip, and this year it happened to be on Thanksgiving. I was worried that I might be feeling … Continue reading Three Things I Was Thankful for This Thanksgiving